Dispensary Information

Prescription charges are £9.35 per item (as of 1st April 2021)

Repeat prescription requests: Please allow a minimum of 5 working days (not including weekends or Bank Holidays) to process repeat prescriptions.

You can order up to 10 days in advance.

If your prescription is not collected within 4 weeks, it will be removed from the shelf.
The Dispensary is open at Probus from 08:30-18:30 Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays).

We are adjusting our telephone lines and will be available to contact between 9:00-10:00am and 5:00-6:00pm.

Our telephone lines are for emergency queries only.

Any queries for medication ready for collection can be submitted on the website.

As always we will text you when your medication is ready. If you don’t have a mobile number on your records please ring reception to get it added on.

The Dispensary liaises with the Doctors, Pharmacists, Paramedics, Practice Nurses, District Nurses, Receptionists and Administrators.

Dispensing facilities are available for patients who live more than one mile from a chemist. You will be advised of your eligibility when you register as a patient.

Below you will find details of a variety of ways to request repeat medication plus details of the additional services and information available from our dispensary.

Delivery Service

Regular repeat medication drops are made to the following locations every week:

  • Tregony (Post Office)
  • Roseland Parc
  • Summercourt Surgery (Memorial Hall)
  • Grampound Road (Shop)
  • Ladock (Shop)
  • Sticker (Londis)
  • Tresillian (Shop – Mary’s Pasties)
  • Probus Garage
  • Grampound Village Store

If you would like to collect your repeat medication from one of these locations and you pay for your prescription, we will need payment with your repeat prescription request before we are able to send your medication. If you do not pay for your medication, please contact the dispensary team and inform them the reason why you do not pay in order for us to update our computer system before we can send out your medication.

In addition, a delivery service is available for patients who are housebound. Please contact dispensary for more information regarding this service.


If you have any problems, queries, or difficulties, or if you have accidentally run out of your medication, a dispenser will be available to offer advice and assistance. Please contact the dispensary via the practice telephone number.

Health Awareness

We have a team of experienced and qualified dispensers who liaise closely with clinicians within the Practice team: including the doctors, pharmacist, and practice nurses. Healthy living advice is available upon request, along with a wide range of supportive literature and leaflets. The Dispensary aims to ensure that all patients receive excellent patient care, including regular check-ups and regular tests as required by the doctor.

Queries & Questions

If you have a query about any aspect of your medication or care, please ask a member of staff. If they do not know the answer, they will speak to the appropriate person and get back to you within a reasonable time period.